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Redesigning your website isn’t just an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the purely visual elements of your newly designed website will likely get most of the attention, but a great website redesign also requires you to consider what’s under the hood.

A flashy exterior doesn’t mean squat if the vehicle won’t move. If people can’t find your website via search, and they can’t intuitively navigate through the site while easily absorbing the information, wouldn’t you agree it really doesn’t matter how pretty it is?

To help you out, our WSI team will share a few easy to tips on the less glamorous side of website redesign: SEO (Search Engine Optimization). So before you move any further with your new website, take a look at the most common SEO mistakes most will make during their next website redesign.


For a more in depth look at this, download our free eBook ‘10 SEO Mistakes to Avoid During Your Next Website Redesign.’

Screw up #1

Not Thinking About SEO From Get Go:

You don’t build a hotel that no one can find! When planning a re-design strategy, make sure to take discoverability and accessibility into account. Not sure how to do this, Download our eBook and we can show you how.

Screw up #2

Not Taking Stock of Your Existing Site:

Before you bust out the wrecking ball and start demolishing your soon to be forgotten site, take some time to examine what you currently have to find out what’s working and what isn’t. Here’s a few key metrics you want to consider

  1. Number visitors and unique visitors on a monthly basis
  2. Top performing keywords
  3. Number of inbound links
  4. Number of pages indexed
  5. Number of pages that receive consistent traffic.

Need some help with this? Give us a call, our team of experts can audit your site and provide a document for your reference.

Screw up #3

Not setting up 301 re-directs.

I can’t begin to tell you how many calls we get from frantic website owners scratching their heads because rankings have disappeared over night. The 1st question we ask, “Have you recently launched a new site?’

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection from one URL to another. Whether you are restructuring URL’s or consolidating content, setting up a 301 redirect will ensure your SEO juice gets passed on from your old URL’s to the new. This is another reason why when hiring a web developer to make sure he or she is not just a great graphic designer, but has at the very least a fundamental knowledge of basic SEO tactics.

Screw up #4

Not Implementing a Responsive Web Design:

I won’t state the obvious here, but I think at this point we all realize the importance of mobile in marketing & business. Responsive web design in short allows your website to be seen properly across all screen sizes. One word of caution, just because your website is responsive does not necessarily mean its mobile friendly.

Take the mobile friendly test here!

Screw up #5

Forgetting to add analytics to your site:

A ship without a rudder has no destination” as such trying to make smart marketing decisions without a benchmark to reference is near impossible. As soon as your website is released into the wild, wild web, you need to be collecting data. It will be very difficult to see if the money you invested in your new website redesign is paying off without with analytics. Analytics can and will provide you with a variety of metrics you can use and measure over time to make the best possible marketing decisions that will yield the highest ROI. It’s a simple 5 minute process that every website owner should implement. Get your Google analytics code here.

For a more comprehensive look at the needed steps to take when redesigning a website, download our free eBook here.

Ready to move ahead and discuss a project with us? Get in touch with our experts now by visiting

Also, while you’re here…Check out our Infographic: 7 STEPS To WEBSITE SUCCESS below!


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